Black Friday Sichern Sie sich 20% Rabatt! Jetzt Rabatt sichern!
Black Friday Sichern Sie sich 20% Rabatt! Jetzt Rabatt sichern!
Black Friday Sichern Sie sich 20% Rabatt! Jetzt Rabatt sichern!

Newsroom - Open rates, Unsubscribe rates and Click rates

Find out what your newsletter open rates, unsubscribe rates and click-through rates reveal about the engagement of your subscribers and how you can draw the right conclusions to improve these important email marketing metrics. Be inspired by our informative articles on email analytics and get your email campaigns on the road to success with the help of our tips.

Lower Your Newsletter Unsubscribe Rate

Anyone who sends out newsletters on a regular basis is familiar with this issue: sooner or later, the unsubscribe rate of your newsletter becomes noticeable in your analysis. We give you six tried and tested tips to lower your unsubscribe rate.
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