Free newsletter templates

Discover our easily customizable templates for appealing newsletters.

  • For numerous use cases
    We have the right newsletter template for every application.
  • Flexibly adaptable
    Customize the structure, colors and images exactly as you imagine your newsletter design.
  • Optimized for sending
    All templates are responsive and tested for common email clients.
Kostenlose Newsletter-Vorlagen von CleverReach (grafische Darstellung)

Newsletter Templates and Design Templates

Appealing newsletter design is the essence of successful email marketing. With our free newsletter templates, we make it easy for you to create professional emails that appeal to your customers. Which of our universal newsletter templates is right for your mission?
  • You have news to share?
  • You want to make a sale?
  • You have a story to tell?
To make creating your newsletters extra convenient, CleverReach offers highly customizable master templates for these three common occasions. Use one of our universal templates for professionally designed newsletters! In addition, you can find more seasonal and design templates for your newsletters under "Templates". You can use any of our templates for your campaigns for free - with one restriction: Our design templates cannot be used in the Lite tariff! Book a rate now and unlock our large number of beautiful design templates for your email marketing. With our free newsletter templates you can create your emails quickly and easily. Have fun & success with your newsletter design with our email templates!

Template - What is it?

Have you ever wondered what template means in German? Template is English and the German translation means "Template" or also "Stencil". Technically, an email template is the platform on which newsletters are created. It is edited with the help of a newsletter editor and various content elements such as images, image with text, text only or call-to-action buttons can be inserted and arranged.

And how do templates work?

A professionally designed newsletter is always an overall composition of texts, graphics, images, links and a certain arrangement of all these elements. Pure text e-mails with links would also be able to be sent with a normal e-mail program, but graphic elements would be moved somewhere depending on the e-mail client used.

In order for a newsletter to be displayed in different email programs the way it was created, a newsletter template has all these elements and their arrangement precisely defined and predefined. The different e-mail programs "recognize" the newsletter structure and display it accordingly. Your newsletter arrives as it is seen in the editor - and can thus achieve the effect you have planned.

Get started now with CleverReach!

Specialized in target group-oriented marketing campaigns, our email marketing software effectively supports you in the successful implementation of email marketing campaigns. Manage up to 250 recipients and send up to 1,000 emails per month free of charge!

1. How to use the free newsletter templates

Free Newsletter Template Use CleverReach

Planning a new email marketing campaign and want to get to our free templates to create your newsletter? Here's how to get to the templates:

  1. Log in to CleverReach.
  2. Are you a new customer? Then select the first item "Create and send an email" on the overview page.

You want to create a new newsletter as an existing customer? Then select "Emails" in the left side menu.

  • Next, select "Create new email" in the upper right corner. You will then be taken to the first step of the email creation process: the campaign settings.
  • Enter the basic settings for your mailing and confirm with "Save & continue". Now you will get to the overview of our free and seasonal newsletter templates. First of all: our universally designable "Master Templates". Next: our large selection of design templates and seasonal templates.
  • Now you can choose the newsletter template you want. Click on 'next' and complete the necessary further steps to create an email marketing campaign. Now you can start designing your newsletter.
  • Alternatively, you can also get to the template selection by clicking directly on the 'Templates' menu item under 'Emails'. Then first select a newsletter template and then enter the campaign settings.

With the help of our intuitive drag & drop newsletter editor, you can customize any of the newsletter templates to suit your needs:

  • Drag design elements like images and text blocks into the template,
  • upload images,
  • add your logo,
  • duplicate or delete design elements
  • change the font size, font type or font color and
  • insert your content.


  • Use newsletter templates or themed templates for occasions of any kind:
    • Holidays: Christmas, Easter, Mother's Day, Name Day.
    • occasions: birthdays, anniversaries, baptisms, marriage, vacations, vacation, back-to-school, Halloween
    • Seasonal: summer sale, winter sale, Black Friday, summer, winter, spring
    • Events: World and European championships, Olympics, trade fairs (IFA, Dmexco, IAA,...)
    • and much, much more

There are no limits, a campaign can be created from almost any occasion.

2. Save time and money with our newsletter templates

Using our newsletter templates is not only free, but also very quick and easy: sign up, create mailing, get started:

  • no storage space needed: you don't need to download any program
  • You edit and send your newsletters directly in CleverReach
  • 'Wysiwyg Editor': Use our intuitive drag & drop newsletter editor according to the "What you see is what you get" principle (Wyisywig) without any HTML or other programming skills
  • All free newsletter templates are universally customizable to your specific requirements and ideas
  • In addition, CleverReach offers a variety of design templates. Let the ready-made templates inspire you to create coherent occasions matching your industry - for example, with exotic landscapes as a hotel newsletter template. Most of the templates are designed in such a way that you only need to insert your content and can quickly start with your mailing.
  • Already using templates from Campaign Monitor or Mailchimp? With the help of the free Template Converter, you can easily convert these templates and continue using them in our CleverReach Editor.

You have your own CI? Great. In just a few steps, each of the templates or templates can be adapted and personalized to your requirements. Use:
Your own logo,

  • integrate your own images or
  • your own font, size and color

All CleverReach newsletter templates have been tested in the most popular mail clients. Thus, it was checked whether the templates or the contents are displayed correctly to your recipients. Additionally, you can test the display yourself before sending:

  • Virtual preview on different devices (tablet, smartphone, desktop computer).
  • Quality check before sending (optionally bookable)
  • Test shipping

3. Our newsletter templates are already user-optimized

Free Newsletter Template User Optimized CleverReach

A good email template is very important for the creation of a newsletter: How uncomplicated can you edit the template and how sure will the newsletter be delivered exactly as desired? Here, the free templates from CleverReach perform very well!

But also the layout, i.e. the design, is extremely important, because the first impression counts! Your newsletter should be

  • be clearly structured and easy to read
  • contain relevant content, large-format images
  • contain appealing headlines and other anchor points (e.g. highlights in the body text and images)
  • contain clearly visible call-to-action buttons

All newsletter templates are designed with these requirements in mind and let you create engaging newsletters in no time. Good luck!

4. Important: here's how to design your newsletter for optimal success

Free Newsletter Template Campaign Check List CleverReach

Do a self-test: which newsletters catch your attention or when do you click on information from the newsletter? That's right, appealing newsletter design is an essential part of the success of your email campaign! Relevant information encourages you to click on the products or content. But what is good newsletter design? This question cannot be answered universally, since industry, product, taste, zeitgeist or fashion trends have an influence. However, there is a clear answer to what makes a well-designed newsletter:

  • Good scannability: a newsletter is not read word for word like a letter or an e-mail, rather the page is first skimmed. It must be clear at a glance what is relevant for the reader. Then the eye jumps from paragraph to paragraph, scanning only the opening words of the lines. This was the result of studies in which the eye movements of people reading web pages were analyzed.
  • Target group-specific: Are your recipients fashion enthusiasts? Or have an affinity for travel? Your respective target group must be taken into account when designing your newsletter.

5. External templates are also welcome

Free Newsletter Template External CleverReach

Can only CleverReach templates be used for your email marketing? No, you can also create your own email templates. This is easier than you think - but you should be familiar with coding. If you do, however, it's not difficult. We have compiled what you need to consider in this Help Center post: "Explanation of CleverReach Template Technology".

You want to continue using your free or purchased Campaign Monitor or Mailchimp templates in CleverReach? This is also possible. The Template Converter converts these templates so that you can use them in the CleverReach Drag & Drop Newsletter Editor.

Successful Email Marketing with CleverReach's Free Seasonal and Occasional Newsletter Templates

CleverReach Newsletter Tool kostenlos testen

Ready to get started? All you have to do is choose the right price plan for your needs. Send an unlimited number of emails to your recipients at a flat rate price or buy a fixed email quota.

  • No setup fee
  • Multi-lingual service team
  • Detailed instructions, helpful video tutorials and inspiring blog posts