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Variety of features

Discover everything our CleverReach newsletter tool has to offer

Start now with CleverReach!

Specialized in target group-oriented marketing campaigns, our email marketing software effectively supports you in the successful implementation of email marketing campaigns. Manage up to 250 recipients and send up to 1,000 emails per month for free!

Newsletter Editor CleverReach

Create your newsletter

Create your own personalized professional newsletter campaigns using our intuitive editor. Drag and drop images and content to any position you want.

Access our pre-defined templates or upload your own templates and images to use them online.

managing newsletter recipients (screenshot)

Manage recipients

Learn more about your recipients, manage their profiles and analyze their activities. Simply upload your recipient data in a csv or txt file or transfer it from a CRM, shop system or another external system.

Sending Newsletters CleverReach

Send your newsletter

After creating your newsletter there are some things you have to check: Is your mailing displayed correctly in all common email programs and email clients? Is it spam? Do a test delivery before sending your newsletter.

Newsletter Reporting Features CleverReach

Reporting & Tracking

CleverReach makes success measurable: Open and click rates of your subscribers show you how well your newsletter has performed.

Email Marketing Automation THEA CleverReach

Email Marketing Automation

Create automated follow-up emails or lifecycle campaigns tailored to your needs with THEA and our Autoresponder.