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Antispam rules

As an email marketing service provider, we are required to adhere to anti-spam rules.

As an email marketing service provider, we are obliged to comply with anti-spam laws. Sending unsolicited emails affects deliverability. We want your emails to reach their recipients while ensuring that you observe our anti-spam requirements and the relevant laws of your country.

Basic rules for all countries:

  • You must accept our General Terms and Conditions
  • You must tell us how you collected your data and obtained consent for sending emails
  • You must accept our content rules
  • Every email must contain an unsubscribe link
  • Every email must feature a valid legal notice with your contact details
  • You may not falsify or conceal contact details, sender information or information in the subject line
  • You must observe your country’s international anti-spam laws

Content rules for emails, images and forms:

The following content may not be processed or sent via our system:

  • Pornographic or other sexual content
  • References to illegal substances
  • Content violating the laws of your country
  • Illegal goods or services
  • Escort and dating services
  • Pharmaceutical products
  • Work-from-home emails
  • Gambling services

If you are not sure or work in an industry that is often associated with spam, please contact our support team. We will check whether we can accept you as a customer.

Do NOT use:

  • Purchased email addresses
    Purchased data is strictly prohibited in our system!

  • Email addresses collected from the internet
    Email addresses specified as a means of contact on websites or in public directories are not permitted.

  • Single opt-in
    Email addresses collected via a form using the single opt-in method without confirmation are not permitted. The secure double opt-in method must be used when using a form for registration.

  • B2B addresses: sending without permission
    A frequent misconception is that the recipient’s permission is not required when sending commercial emails to businesses. In Germany for example, newsletters may only be sent to businesses following their approval.

  • Third-party data
    Data collected by a third party is not permitted. While the third party may have obtained the consent to contact these individuals by email, you have not! If, however, the third party has collected the data in your name, only you are permitted to use this data in your own name for sending emails, but the third party is not.

  • Memberships, clubs, or associations
    Contractual membership of an association or cooperative society does NOT entitle you to simply contact other members by email. Here, too, you need the express consent of the individual recipients.

  • Social or business networks
    Email addresses of individuals who have shared their data with you via social or business networks such as LinkedIn, Xing, Facebook, etc. may not be used. These individuals may only be contacted via the relevant network. The sharing of data does not amount to valid consent for emails to be sent via external systems such as ours.

DO use:

  • Double opt-in via own website
    All recipients have registered via your website using a secure double opt-in procedure.

  • Purchase of a product or service
    The recipients have acquired a product or service and were informed about the collection of data as follows: “We may use your data to advertise similar goods or services. You may opt out from this at any time.” A reference in your General Terms and Conditions is NOT sufficient.

  • Registration by offline form
    The recipients have filled out a form offline and explicitly agreed to receiving emails. The form must be available as evidence.

  • Co-registration (competitions)
    The recipients who registered for a competition were clearly informed of the sponsors (up to 10). Registering for the newsletter may not be a requirement for taking part in the competition. Registering for the newsletter must be voluntary and explicit (e.g. using a checkbox).

  • Contact by business card
    The recipients have given you a business card and requested emails to be sent. In this case, the business card and a written declaration of consent as evidence.