Black Friday Sichern Sie sich 20% Rabatt! Jetzt Rabatt sichern!

Legal information

CleverReach GmbH & Co. KG
//CRASH Building
Schafjueckenweg 2
26180 Rastede

Tax ID number: DE230180364
Commercial register: Amtsgericht Oldenburg / HRA 4020

Represented by:
CRASH Verwaltungs GmbH | HRB 210079 Oldenburg (Oldb.)
//CRASH Building
Schafjueckenweg 2
26180 Rastede/Germany

Executive board:
Sebastian Strzelecki, Jens Klibingat & Sebastian Schwarz

Supervisory board:
Rolf Hilchner & Heinz-Wilhelm Bogena

Tel.: +49 (0) 4402 97390-00
Fax: +49 (0) 4402 97390-99
**Please submit support requests through our Help Center only.

Online Dispute Resolution
Platform of the EU Commission regarding online dispute resolution (for consumers):

In accordance with §36 VSBG (law on alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes, see directive 2013/11/EU), we hereby inform you that we will not participate in dispute settlement proceedings directed by consumer arbitration boards nor are we obligated to do so.