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Abuse / Spam Complaint Center

CleverReach was founded in 2007 and provides companies with professional, intuitive email marketing software. Thousands of customers send millions of emails through our servers. Secure, fast and efficient.

Our clients are contractually obliged to comply with permission marketing regulations to prevent abuse in the form of spam. If you still have reason to complain, please contact our Abuse Team at Due to our security measures and anti-spam rules this doesn’t happen often, but when we do receive a complaint we treat it with the utmost priority.

To prevent email marketing abuse, we take the following steps:

  1. Our Support Team checks each and every client account. All accounts must be verified before they can be activated. In addition, we require detailed information about the origin of the client’s email lists.
  2. We do not permit emails to be sent to email addresses that serve as general points of contact. Examples of such email addresses include, but are not limited to, the following: sales@…, webmaster@…, abuse@…, etc. Such addresses are generally used by organizations rather than individuals who opt in to receive emails, and the owners of the email addresses can change.
  3. Our clients may only use our services after agreeing to our General Terms & Conditions and our anti-spam policy. When using our software, the client will be informed of these guidelines several times. Emails can only be sent after the client accepts our policy by ticking a checkbox.
  4. For the purpose of collecting new email addresses, we offer our clients the use of registration forms they can implement on their own websites. These forms only work with the secure double-opt-in procedure, blocking unwanted emails. Every registration can be documented through the information provided by the opt-in (source, timestamp, etc.).
  5. Clients must integrate a link in every email campaign allowing recipients to unsubscribe. Additionally, clients must include a complete legal notice in the email that identifies them. Sender address spoofing is strictly prohibited.
  6. Soft and hard bounces will automatically be removed from the address lists.
  7. CleverReach is a member of the Certified Senders Alliance and is thus subject to strict regulations that our clients must also observe.

Reporting email abuse

Every email campaign is assigned an individual mailing ID which can be found in the header of the email. With the help of this ID, we are able to identify the sender of the email and determine why the unwanted email was sent. Please be sure to include the mailing ID when sending us a complaint. Another option is to send the complete email as an attachment to