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E-Mail Marketing App für Ihren Shopify Onlineshop

  • bidirektionale Schnittstelle
    Unsere Integrationslösung garantiert eine stabile und reibungslose Datensynchronisation.
  • Automatisierte Kundenkommunikation
    Versenden Sie E-Mail-Kampagnen basierend auf Kundenaktivitäten im Onlineshop, z.B. nach Warenkorbabbruch.
  • Personalisierte Kundenansprache durch erweiterte Segmentierung
    Dank Tagging erhalten Ihre Kunden präzise abgestimmte Angebote Ihres Shopify Online Shops - für mehr Conversions.
Shopify email marketing App für die Verknüpfung mit CleverReach

E-Mail Marketing with personal offers for your Shopify clients

Make your customer contact more personal with our CleverReach email marketing app for your Shopify online shop:

  • Quickly and easily send professional newsletters to your customers with our secure email marketing software that offers you lots of features – and the best thing: you don’t need any programming skills.
  • Enjoy seamless data exchange between CleverReach and your online store. Set the synchronization interval to suit your needs.
  • Benefit from the bi-directional data transfer and other advantages of our integration solution for your Shopify online shop.
  • Create single-track or multi-level automation workflows for sales promotionsabandoned carts or for reactivating your customers!
  • Your subscribers receive personalized offers – thanks to tagging.
  • Directly integrate discount codes from your shop in your newsletters.
  • Benefit from flexible pricing models and no fixed contract terms.

Please note: In July 2020, we have released a new plugin version with the features mentioned above. If you already are a CleverReach user using the Shopify plugin, you’ll easily migrate to the new version v3, without having to sign up again.

Find more details in our help center post “Shopify Plugin – Installation and Features”.

Exclusively for Shopify customers: Get 20% off your CleverReach® plan for 3 months when creating a new account! Simply awesome: the discount is automatically activated when you create a new account.

Benefits & Module Description

You have a Shopify shop and want to send emails to your customers? The CleverReach email marketing app for Shopify directly connect your Shopify online shop with CleverReach. The plugin continually and automatically updates all your data bi-directionally. This means, data transfer takes place in both directions – in real time. Newsletter unsubscribes are transferred from CleverReach to Shopify, everything that happens in Shopify is transferred to CleverReach. Set the sync interval: constantly, every minute, every hour, every day, or anything in between. It's up to you!

First synchronization and creating your recipient list

During the synchronization process, a recipient list with data fields, segments and tags is created automatically. Simply use your data and tags to send personal emails. Your customers get offers, they really enjoy. Benefit from more opens, clicks and conversions – thanks to email automation it all happens completely automated!

The blocklist feature allows you to block unwanted or problematic recipients before importing email lists into CleverReach. This keeps your list free of invalid dummy addresses or email addresses generated by marketplaces such as eBay. All entries in the blocklist will be automatically ignored or deleted during import and mailing - and your recipient list will be spared.

Before the first import, you can decide who of your subscribers is transferred: newsletter subscribers only, buyers or other contacts, or simply everyone in your list. The data sets are transferred to CleverReach as active recipients and are added to the Shopify list. There they receive so-called “Special tags”:

  • Subscribers: All people who have signed up for your newsletter.
  • Buyers: All people who have purchased something in your shop. This also includes guest buyers.
  • (Other) Contacts: All people, who have neither subscribed to your newsletter nor purchased anything. In a nutshell, that’s everybody else left in your database.

Please note: You must have collected all data in compliance with the GDPR.

Our Shopify is GDPR conform: Your customers can request information on the data stored about them at any time. If they do, you’ll receive a notification in the plugin and can quickly send your customers a reply on their request.

The following Shopify data will be synced:

  • Newsletter subscriptions and unsubscribes (newsletter status “yes” or “no”)
  • Data fields: Details such as first name, last name, street, ZIP code, city, country, company and shop are created as data fields.
  • Order-/Purchase details are also created as data fields: Last order date, number of orders, total expenses of all orders
  • Purchase details: products, revenue, order number, product number, price, currency, number of orders, total expenses of all orders…
  • Product information of your Shopify items like image, text, price, sizes, material…
  • Product tags from Shopify such as product category, brand, and attributes like color are transferred to CleverReach and are stored in the recipient data set.

You can edit the settings of the plugin whenever you like and select further contacts you want to synchronize. Find detailed instructions in our Help Center post “Special Tags and tag-based email creation process in our integrations”.

Need an example? The data field “Number of orders” allows you to see how many orders your customer has placed. The data field “Total expenses of orders” allows you to filter for the sales your customer has generated. Use these small pieces of information to contact customers who have placed more than 50 orders or generated more than 1,000 euros in your shop.

Use the field “last order date” to reactivate inactive customers with email automation workflows.

This is the key to more sales: your clients make more purchases more often, so win, win, win.

More helpful features of the Shopify-CleverReach-Plugin

  • Signup form: During the installation process, a signup form is automatically created in your CleverReach account. Simply integrate it in your shop.
  • Tag-based email creation process: Special tags simplify segmentation. They are not only created automatically, you can also directly select them during the email creation process.
  • Blocklist check before recipient import: Our Blocklist feature protects your list from unwanted or problematic email addresses, such as those submitted for sales via marketplaces. On the one hand, these addresses should not be contacted anyway, and on the other hand, they unnecessarily inflate the recipient list. You can use our integration to block individual addresses as well as entire domains.
  • Abandoned cart: Send reminders to people who have abandoned their shopping cart in your shop. Simply enable the feature. Find more on that in our Help Center post “Create Abandoned Cart Emails with THEA Automation

The Features of Our Email Marketing Tool

  • Set up and send out an email newsletter easily with the Drag & Drop-Editor
  • Responsive, free templates for different industries and occasions
  • Easy success analysis and newsletter optimization
  • Highest security standards, email marketing Made in Germany
  • The right pricing for everyone: custom-made, always adjustable, no contract period – scaling for small & large address lists, Flex for casual senders, Essential for frequent senders or Enterprise for big players

Installation/ Download

You want to integrate the email marketing app. How do I install the newsletter in Shopify? It's easy. The CleverReach Shopify integration is installed in minutes.

For more details, see our Help Center article "Shopify App: Features & Installation."

If you get an error during installation, see our article "Shopify App: Common Error Messages" for common reasons.


The cloud-based, multi-channel sales platform Shopify is aimed at small to medium-sized retail companies. Shopify makes it easier to bring together and organize your users and all sales activities (online and stationary) in this one platform: The beloved sales software takes into account not just online sales channels like web shops, marketplaces, apps or social networks, but also very traditional outlets like local stores or selling stalls.

With help from the Shopify Newsletter Plugin your CleverReach Account will be easily connected to your Shopify Account.

More articles about CleverReach and Shopify

Shopify Newsletter Sign-Up Page
Gain addresses in a privacy compliant way: How to create your Shopify Sign-Up Page with CleverReach.
Edit Shopify Newsletter
With the CleverReach email marketing tool, you can edit sales-boosting newsletters at will.
Shopify Email Campaigns
Plan professional and fully automated Shopify Email Campaigns for your online store!