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Inspiring success stories

Email marketing case studies from successful CleverReach customers

Effective email marketing campaigns and best practice use cases. Find out how our customers use the CleverReach newsletter tool to impress their audiences!

  • Tips & tricks
  • Best practice examples
  • Ideas & inspiration
CleverReach Case Studies

Success Stories of Our Customers

Let us inspire you: Discover exciting, creative and clever newsletter examples from our customers. We ourselves are thrilled every time when we see what great mailing ideas our customers come up with. No newsletter is like the other, boasting irresistible subjects lines and bearing content that inspires. Of course, it is not only the newsletter itself that is particularly interesting, but also the concept behind it: What are the goals of the email marketing campaign, which target group(s) should be reached, how successful was the campaign? If these questions make you tick too, the case studies with creative tips and ideas from real best practice examples are just the thing for you!

Be an inspiration: You create fresh and rousing newsletter campaigns for your company? We would be delighted to see them! Share your campaign concept and direct mailing examples with us and our customers.

Case Study: EWE Baskets x CleverReach

EWE Baskets Oldenburg

EWE Baskets Optimize Fan Communication

Industry: Sports

EWE Baskets Oldenburg rely on top communication: They've teamed up with CleverReach to give their fan newsletters a fresh new look. From coming up with a consistent design to making sure the fan experience is always as good as it can be, there were a lot of challenges along the way. Thanks to close cooperation, innovative solutions were found. Read on to discover how the EWE Baskets are strengthening their fan loyalty.

Read the whole success story here
CleverReach Case Study: BrandBuff x AgrarOnline

BrandBuff x AgrarOnline

Individual Newsletter Templates in Email Marketing

Industry: Agentur / Agrarwirtschaft / System: Magento

Thanks to a new strategy and a fresh newsletter design, the online marketing agency BrandBuff was able to supercharge AgrarOnline's email marketing. CleverReach and their standardized, customizable templates not only improved the delivery rate, but also made customers more loyal to the brand. AgrarOnline now has an efficient, user-friendly newsletter process that can be operated without special technical knowledge, ensuring brand presence on all devices.

Read the whole success story here
CleverReach-Case-Study: teamblau und

teamblau x Schloss Trauttmansdorff

Email Marketing for Customer Loyalty

Industry: Agentur / Tourismus / System: Shopware 6

In addition to the new online presence for the Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle, the Internet agency teamblau has also set up a successful newsletter concept with the help of CleverReach. The goal was to increase customer loyalty and share botanical knowledge. With impressive results - 90 newsletters in 11 months with an open rate of 46.60% and a click-through rate of nearly 36% - the success story shows how targeted email marketing builds long-term loyalty and actively engages the audience.

Read the whole success story here

ADÜ Nord

Email Marketing as a Fundraising Tool

Industry: Association

ADÜ Nord, a professional association for interpreters and translators in northern Germany, uses CleverReach email marketing as an effective tool for fundraising campaigns. With a targeted newsletter campaign, a personal approach and a clear sense of urgency, ADÜ Nord was able to reach its fundraising goal of €45,000 in a short period of time, while also strengthening its network and association communications.

Read the whole success story here


Email marketing as an educational tool

Industry: non-profit association

The consumer rights organization foodwatch was looking for a communication channel to present its own work and special projects and to attract members and interested parties to participate in campaigns. The overriding goal was to generate permanent supporting memberships via the direct communication option of newsletter marketing.

Read the whole success story here

Voice of Jobs

Email marketing for better recruiting

A shortage of skilled workers and many confusing job postings make applications a draining process for companies and seekers alike. The new, innovative career portal Voice of Jobs was looking for a way to reach its various target groups directly and personally. More interaction on the still young website as well as direct customer loyalty of companies and addressing potentially interested candidates were the declared goals.

Read the whole success story here


Email Marketing as the Channel for a Successful Online Shop in Craft Trade

Industry: Craft Trade / System: Shopware Onlineshop has been relaunched as a shop at the beginning of 2019. Hand-crafted products (especially high-quality, handmade products) come at a price. Therefore, the challenge was on the one hand to address those customer groups who are looking for exactly these high-quality products and on the other hand to ensure to reach these customer groups with manageable advertising costs in order to keep an attractive final price in the online shop.
Meyer-Grave now wanted to offer individualized products online at a calculable price using a standardized working method and at the same time generate demand beyond the usual demand for stair railings.

Read the whole success story here

Annemarie Börlind

Digital customer care à la Börlind

Industry: Beauty & Cosmetics / System: Magento Shop

As part of the website relaunches for the natural cosmetics brands ANNEMARIE BÖRLIND and DADO SENS, Börlind GmbH decided to work with a new email marketing tool. The company regarded a reasonable pricing as well as EU compliant data protection as central characteristics for the new tool. Also, Börlind’s newsletter subscribers should get the best possible user experience. Börlind chose CleverReach and has been using the tool successfully for several years now.

Read the whole success story here
tt-consulting Case Study


Strategic newsletters and email marketing campaigns

Industry: Tourism Agency / System: Typo3

The constant expansion of the tourism and catering market has led to a consequent need for companies to expand their business, particularly in digital terms: in this regard, a tool that has proved increasingly indispensable is the newsletter.

Read the whole success story here

Write Your Success Story Here

We want to tell your success story. Inspire others with your newsletter campaigns and give practical examples. Become part of our story.

What we want to know: Please tell us...

  • What was the goal for your email marketing?
  • What were the challenges and how did you overcome them?
  • How did CleverReach help you achieve your marketing goal?

Are you a CleverReach customer and would like to share your success story? Then get in touch with us. We would be happy to tell your success story.

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