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GDPR-Compliant Newsletter Forms

Design engaging newsletter forms that connect with your audience.

  • Generate Qualified Leads
    Build a list of qualified contacts who are genuinely interested in your business.
  • GDPR-compliant Newsletter Subscription
    Double opt-in signup forms guarantee that all addresses are added to your email list in compliance with the law.
  • Simple Setup and Integration
    If you have an attractive newsletter sign-up form on your website, your list of subscribers will grow on its own over time.
Newsletter-Verteiler aufbauen mit Double-Opt-in-Sicherheit (Symbolbild)

Grow Your Email List with Double-Opt-in

To make sure you’re always on the safe side, CleverReach standardly uses Double-Opt-in (DOI) for newsletter subscriptions. Once they’ve signed up for your newsletter, new subscribers will get an email containing a confirmation link.

This double confirmation process guarantees that subscribers want to receive your newsletter - and that they're actively choosing to do so. We automatically document your Double-opt-in.

Newsletter subscription with Double-opt-in is the best way to comply with the legal requirements of the GDPR. It also offers a clear advantage: You can count on your newsletter email list being full of genuine fans of your company.

Very intuitive and uncomplicated software

It is easy to create and customize different forms for different recipient groups.
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Boost Your Growth: Collecting Email Contacts Has Never Been Easier

A signup form, confirmation email, and confirmation page seem like a lot of work. CleverReach makes it super easy to set up a Double-opt-in signup form, even if you don't know any programming.

Creating Your Double-Opt-in Signup Form in Just a Few Clicks

Ready to grow your recipient list? Our user-friendly interface allows you to create your newsletter signup form in just a few minutes.

Add form fields like drop-down, text input or checkboxes to get to know your new recipients better. You can save the data as fields or tags to help personalize your newsletter. Adding individual colors and images to your signup forms not only makes them more functional, but also makes them look better.

You create and design the Double-opt-in email and confirmation page directly. Use the sample texts to simplify the implementation.

How to Create Your Email Signup Form in Compliance with the GDPR

  1. Create your newsletter signup form and select a recipient list.
  2. Add the form fields you need and design the signup form to fit your company's style.
  3. Customize and design the Double-opt-in email and confirmation page.
  4. Define newsletter subscription settings, e.g. multiple signups.

Our Help Center provides comprehensive, step-by-step instructions on how to create a newsletter form.

More Design Flexibility with Our Beta Forms Module

The choice is yours: you can either use our familiar form our the new beta Forms Module. This makes creating your signup and unsubscribe forms even easier with our drag-and-drop editor. The new feature gives you more design options and makes the signup and unsubscribe process even clearer.

Tip: Add our beta Preference Center to your signup form and get to know your newsletter recipients better.

Win Recipients Directly on Your Website

A responsive Double-opt-in email signup form on your website lets you grow your email list by itself. Plus, you can be sure that it only contains contacts who have confirmed that they want to receive your newsletter.

You have flexible options to integrate your newsletter signup form on your website: as a separate landing page, popup or you can embed it on existing pages via source code. The sign up form is designed to be easy to read on any device, so you can fill it out and send it without any problems.

Make Unsubscribing as Easy as Possible

People who’ve signed up for your newsletter can change their mind at any time. CleverReach guarantees that your recipients can unsubscribe from your newsletter at any time with our automatically integrated unsubscribe link. This ensures that your unsubscribe process is GDPR-compliant.

You decide how people can unsubscribe from your emails: choose between single opt-out, confirmed opt-out, or double opt-out. It's just as simple to set up the unsubscribe form and the steps that go with it as it was to set up the newsletter signup form. Add more form fields if needed and design the form as you wish, e.g. asking for an unsubscribe reason.

Get Your Emails Off to a Flying Start with CleverReach Newsletter Forms

Ready to get started? Select the price plan that fits your needs. Send unlimited emails with our flat rate plans or buy fixed email quota.

  • no setup fee or contractual obligations
  • multilingual service team
  • detailed instructions, helpful video tutorials and inspiring articles
Find your plan

FAQs on Newsletter Signup Forms

Is Double-Opt-in Mandatory?

Senders need to show that their recipients have opted in to getting newsletters. The best and easiest way to do this is to use Double-opt-in.

Double opt-in (DOI) is a two-step process for subscribing to a newsletter that involves receiving a confirmation email. Once a person has signed up for the newsletter using the form, they'll get an email to the address they entered with a confirmation link. They must click on this link to complete their newsletter subscription.

Double-opt-in ensures your newsletter list only contains people who want to receive your emails.

Good to know: We automatically document successful newsletter subscriptions that come in via a CleverReach signup form with Double-opt-in.

Which Fields Need to Be Included in a Newsletter Signup Form?

Your newsletter signup form should only request the data you need to send the newsletter. German law says that data should be kept to a minimum. The data processor should collect only the data needed and as little as possible. In email marketing, this is usually just the email address. You can, of course, also ask for more data such as their name or date of birth, but only on a voluntary basis.

Read our PUSH article for more tips on GDPR-compliant newsletter signup forms.

What is Important Concerning Newsletter Unsubscribes?

Unsubscribing must be as easy as subscribing. The GDPR says unsubscribe processes must be simple and immediate.

Adding an unsubscribe link makes it simple for your recipients to opt out of your newsletter.

Good to know: You don't have to worry about including an unsubscribe link in your newsletters. We've already included one in all our newsletter templates and in the newsletter editor.

For more info on GDPR-compliant newsletter unsubscribing, check out our PUSH article.