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Check Your Newsletters for Accessibility

Joana Rüdebusch
SEO Managerin & Content Creator
Barrierefreiheits-Test für Newsletter

New: Just click a button and we'll test your newsletter for you, checking over 40 criteria for accessibility.

Since the Accessibility Strengthening Act (German “Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetz” BFSG), accessibility has been a top of mind topic for marketing experts. It can be tricky to meet the requirements for accessible communication and keep track of everything.

What is Accessibility?

If your email is accessible, it means that anyone can read and understand it, no matter what disabilities or assistive devices they have.

Are your newsletters accessible?

We want to make it easy for you to use CleverReach to create newsletters that look great and work well on any device and for any recipient. We’ve already got design and spam tests in place for this. We’re now also making it easier to optimize your emails for accessibility:

The new accessibility test checks your newsletter for over 40 criteria and gives clear results.

Overview of the Accessibility Test

  • Check whether your emails comply with accessibility best practices.
  • Take control and improve the accessibility of your emails with our expert advice.
  • See which accessible newsletter criteria you already meet.

We’ll be checking a few things, like the headline hierarchy in your HTML code, the contrast between the text and background colors, and the alt text for images. You can find a list of all the test criteria in our Help Center.

How Does the Test Work?

You can run the accessibility test on any newsletter you create. To get started, just open the email you want to test in the editor and start the check. Your newsletter is automatically checked for over 40 accessibility criteria. You’ll get a clear list of which criteria your email has passed and where there’s still work to do.

Accessibility test for newsletters: failed criteria (screenshot)
Accessibility test for newsletters: passed criteria (screenshot)
Good to know: If you need help with an accessibility test in CleverReach, just check out our Help Center for detailed instructions.

Why is Newsletter Accessibility Important?

Newsletter accessibility is about much more than just making your emails accessible to a handful of subscribers. It’s about bringing your messages to life for everyone.

Win new target groups:
An accessible newsletter reaches a broader audience. 20% of the population are dependent on accessible content. Making your newsletters accessible means you can reach people who couldn’t get your info before because of barriers.

Implement legal requirements:
With the introduction of the Accessibility Strengthening Act (BFSG), digital accessibility is becoming more and more of a legal requirement.

Improve user experience:
Making newsletters accessible really helps users get more out of them, which in turn makes customers happier. If your customers are happy, they’re more likely to use your services and products, which can lead to higher sales in the long run.

Run the accessibility test now and make your newsletter more inclusive!

CleverReach Newsletter
Tips and tricks for successful email marketing!