Explore Zapier and connect more than 1000 apps with your CleverReach® account!
Zapier moves all your data between more than 750 apps like Excel, PayPal, Shopify, Magento or WordPress and your CleverReach account. Save time and let Zapier get your work done faster!
Import new subscriber details from all your different apps to a list of recipients of your choice. Zapier gives you time to concentrate only on your most important tasks!
How to add CleverReach subscribers from Excel:
Jane collects email addresses of new customers at her local boutique to keep them posted on upcoming events and special offers. At home, she enters all the new subscribers into an Excel spreadsheet. Until recently, she regularly uploaded the updated sheet into her CleverReach account – if she had time for that. Now Zapier does her job.
With the new plugin, she connects her Excel spreadsheet to her CleverReach account. Zapier takes over the administrative work and Jane is pleased with satisfied customers.
Find your app in a fast-growing pool of more than 750 apps that Zapier can connect to yourCleverReach account and save time and energy for your most important work.
It’s as easy as that!
Find your app & explore Zapier now