Holly Jolly Tagging – Straight to the Point Christmas Communication
Straight to the Point Christmas Communication
Christmas is not far off – and we can’t wait for it! It’s that time of the year when you slowly start sending lots of promotion emails to your customers.
In our automation workflows it has already been possible to assign tags to your recipients via clicks. We’ve already given you some tips for this in our post on tagging . Now you can also use tagging in simple emails – that means you can send targeted newsletters to your recipients!
Short & Crisp: How to Assign Tags in Mailings
When you create your email, you can assign tags to links and images. Simply enter your desired tags in the same window in which you enter the link. These tags give you the opportunity to assign individual interests or preferences to your recipients, and then address them more individually in further mailings. Attach, for example, the tags “sweater” and “red” to your recipients when they click on a red sweater in your shop – this gives you an insight on their preferred colors and items.
Which tags you want to assign is entirely up to you: You can assign an infinite number of tags to your recipients and also name them individually. It makes sense though to keep an overview and only assign tags if they serve a purpose.
Christmas Tagging: Send Your Email Advent Calendar
You directly want to dive into the new tagging feature for Christmas? We’ll show you how to create a newsletter Advent Calendar and send it only to people who want to receive it:
Step 1: Create Your Email
Announce your Advent Calendar in one of your regular emails. Our example is an email in which interested recipients can sign up for a separate newsletter with daily changing offers:
Do the same with the signups for your Advent Calendar. Invite your recipients in your newsletter to subscribe to your email Advent Calendar and assign a corresponding tag when creating your Call-to-Action button. In our example, we have simply called our tag „xmas19“. Each recipient who clicks on the button is assigned the tag “xmas19”, so that you can send your Advent Calendar explicitly to these people:
Step 2: Design Advent Calendar Automation Workflow and Get Started
In order to be able to send your Advent calendar, you first create the content for the emails you want to send as part of your campaign. Create your messages as automation mailings, so that you can put them together in an automation workflow.
To start your Advent Calendar, you set December 1 as the starting point of your workflow in our Automation Tool THEA. Select the orange calendar icon and „list of days“ to schedule your workflow.
Then you add the IF function (blue filter icon). Here it is checked whether the recipients have the tag “xmas19”. If yes, a new email of your Advent calendar will be sent to them every day – and if not, then no email is going out. It’s that simple!
Use Tagging for Your Christmas Marketing Now!
Sending an Advent Calendar is just one possible way to use tagging during the holiday season. You can also use tags to advertise in follow-up mailings only those products in the newsletter that your customers are interested in. Or use tags to hide certain content from recipients – for example, you could spare absolute Christmas opponents the Christmassy content!
Try it yourself and start tagging in your own Christmas email today: