Everything that pushes your Black-Weekend campaign!

With this article we have reached the end of our Clever-Friday and Cyber-Monday series.
Now read about all the helpful details that will perfectly round off your Black Friday campaign. As they say, the devil is in the detail. That’s why we will take a look at all the little things that make or break an email campaign.
Here are your key success factors, which will make your subscribers open your emails and purchase your products!
1. Open Sesame!
How do I turn my subject line into an email opener on Black Weekend?
With a sober subject line, you probably won’t achieve that much and in the end, you’ll find that your newsletter didn’t achieve the open rates you hoped it would.
How to do it right:
– Think about the target group you want to reach
– Use creative and humorous phrases
– Get straight to the point
– Place one or two keywords at the beginning of your subject line
– Arouse curiosity and desire
It’s important that your recipients see at a glance what your newsletter is all about and to fulfill their expectations.
Three examples for a must-click subject line:
Selling Fashion:
25% off your favorite must-have-piece + Black-Styling tips!
Selling household appliances:
All kitchen appliances with tempting Black Days discounts
Selling food or recipes:
Food lovers get delicious discounts on Black Weekend!
How to turn your subject line into an email opener:
1. Arouse interest and curiosity
2. Fulfill your subscribers’ expectations
3. First things first
4. Powerful wording
5. Reference to discounts and coupons
Find more on this topic in our PUSHIII article “Tips for a thrilling newsletter subject line”.

2. Love at first sight.
How do I select the right images for my newsletter?
Also use the effect of images for your product offers on Black Weekend. Especially images very often are real door openers and support your subscribers and customers in their purchase decision. For a simple reason: Visual elements always attract our attention first and speak to us faster than the written word.
Of course, texts also have an important function and an image without text would only be half the message. We still recommend that you select your images carefully and use them effectively in your Black Friday and Cyber Monday campaign.
5 questions to find the perfect image
- Which target group/person do I want to address with this image?
- Do I arouse the right attention or emotion with the image?
- Does the image generate interest among my customers or subscribers?
- Does the image match the message I want to communicate on Black Weekend?
- Do my texts and images complement each other perfectly?
3. Hello, hey and g’day!
How do I address my target group?
Do I go for a formal or casual wording? Do I address my subscribers with their first or their last name? What suits me and my recipients?
Just put yourself in your subscribers’ shoes. This means: empathize with your recipients and think about how they want to be addressed. Depending on the situation, your wording may or should even become more casual and personal. Use an A/B test to see what your recipients like or don’t like. Send out a more serious and a more humorous version. You don’t have to overdo it, but a pinch of humor can’t hurt. The way of addressing your customers should in any case match your company and your products.
What matters in the end is that you get straight to the point with easy-to-read and relevant content. This way you pick up your readers with your first words and directly get them to your website or your online shop.
4. Read, click, go!
How do I best use the Call-to-Action button?
CTA buttons are one of the most crucial elements of your newsletter because they call on your subscribers to act. Experiment with the placement or with colors, text and size of your Call-To-Action buttons. Furthermore, the use of graphics, arrows and icons can help you to highlight this part of your newsletter to encourage your readers to click and buy.

Sources: Newsletters from Adidas, Douglas, Paul Hewitt and Escada.
In the end, many factors have an impact on the success of your Black Weekend newsletter campaign. Try out some newsletter variants. The path to success and higher open rates is always a creative and sometimes long one. But it is worth going this way, because with every step you get closer to your goal. Now there’s nothing left to do but wishing you all the best with your Black Weekend and Cyber Monday campaign!