digistore24 Email Marketing and Newsletter Integration
Automatically transfer customer data with CleverReach email marketing integration
Want to sell more digital and real products? Use email marketing to target your customers and prospects. With CleverReach's integration solution for digistore24, all important customer data is continuously synchronized between both systems. E-mail address data is automatically transferred and synchronized. This eliminates duplications or even writing to unsubscribed recipients. Order data from your Digistore24 is also transferred to CleverReach and can be used for sending newsletters.
With CleverReach, you not only send system emails such as delivery notifications to your customers via autoresponder, you can also use the feature-rich email marketing tool to design and send professional newsletters with your latest offers.
How to connect digistore24 with the CleverReach email marketing tool
To send your newsletters with CleverReach, simply connect digistore24 and CleverReach. The corresponding connection has already been pre-configured and can be added very easily.
To do this, proceed as follows:
- Log in to your digistore account and go to Settings > Connections (IPN).
- Select "Add new connection".
- A list of pre-configured connections will appear. Click on CleverReach.
- You will then be shown all further steps in digistore24. Go through them one after the other 😊.
If you have any questions, please contact the digistore24 service team directly.
About digistore24
Digistore24 is the sales platform for all those who offer digital products, such as:
- E-books and books
- Webinars and seminars
- Coachings and trainings
- Membership sites
- Online subscription systems
- Software as a Service & Cloud Solutions
- Online Games
- Videos
It is possible to become not only a vendor with your own products, but also an affiliate and promote other people's products. Of course, it is also possible to choose only one of the two options (vendor or affiliate).
Table of contents
General information
- Category: Ecommerce
- Development: External development